Welcome to the Camargue Gardoise
The Espiguette lighthouse is at the heart of an exceptional territory. Visible from several kilometres away, it is the major building of the Espiguette natural site: a singular, wild and preserved but fragile place classified as a Grand Site de France.
L'espiguette, a classified area of the great site of france camargue gardoise
The Pointe de l'Espiguette, classified as a natural site in 1994, and the lighthouse, classified as a historic monument in 2012, form one of the four classified sites of the Camargue Gardoise, which has been labelled a Grand Site de France since 2014. This label recognises the uniqueness and exceptional preservation of these landscapes, the result of constant interaction between man and fresh or salt water wetlands.
The Camargue is a land of rice fields, bulls, flamingos and horses, but it also has age-old traditions that can be discovered in the arenas or in the streets of our villages. A nature to be discovered gently thanks to the many footpaths, bicycle paths and even canoeing on the eco-paddling path. Constantly changing landscapes, where fauna and flora display all their diversity. Between plains, meadows, marshes, pine forests, hidden paths, small roads, tracks... The light of the whole Camargue in all seasons is dazzling.
Since 2018, the Camargue Gardoise has also been awarded the Grand Site Occitanie label. Some forty must-see sites scattered throughout our Occitanie region offer the best of our territory, its history and its great landscapes. A brand, a label, a collection unique in France.

La plage à l'état brut et sauvage
Insolite et grave, perdu au milieu des sables, le phare de l’Espiguette fait aujourd’hui partie intégrante du paysage littoral dunaire gardois, la Pointe de l’Espiguette : Il en est à la fois l’icône et la balise.
Le massif dunaire de l’Espiguette, immense et sauvage, parcouru de barkhanes, balayé par les vents, brûlé par le sel et le soleil, apparaît aujourd’hui comme un territoire naturel authentique, vierge de toute intervention humaine. Avec ses dunes blanches qui atteignent jusqu’à 12m de haut, et sa plage sans fin, l’Espiguette forme un système dunaire admiré par tous les amoureux de l’environnement.